XXV Anniversary of Enzo Piccinini’s ascent to heaven

May 26, 2024 will mark the 25th anniversary of Enzo Piccinini’s ascent to heaven.

By the will of a group of friends and people who knew him, together with the Enzo Piccinini Foundation, the “Committee for the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the ascent to heaven of the Servant of God Enzo Piccinini” has been set up.
All those who wish to contribute to the celebrations and be informed about ongoing initiatives and events can get in touch with the committee

Amico Carissimo

Who was Enzo Piccinini, the surgeon doctor who tragically died in a car accident in May 1999, friend of Father Luigi Giussani and tireless educator?

Answering the question, 25 years after his death, is Pier Paolo Bellini, friend and fellow traveller of the doctor from Reggio Emilia, together with Chiara Piccinini, one of Enzo’s daughters, giving voice to the man, his works and words that marked the lives of many. Thanks to the transcripts of his public speeches (made available by the Enzo Piccinini Foundation) and the many unpublished testimonies given by those who had the good fortune to meet him, “Amico carissimo” is an intimate and precious account that allows everyone, believers and non-believers alike, to get closer to Enzo Piccinini’s extraordinary humanity and profound experience of faith.


With your 5×1000 you too can contribute every year to supporting the activities of the Enzo Piccinini Foundation.

Easter 2024

Happy Easter

Enzo Piccinini Foundation

The Foundation (born in December 2002) was created to give continuity to the ideal, educational, scientific and religious principles that animated Dr Enzo Piccinini‘s life.

The Foundation’s activities mainly focus on three areas:

Servant of God Enzo Piccinini

The Archbishop of Modena-Nonantola has granted the request made to him by the Enzo Piccinini Foundation to start the cause for canonisation of Dr Enzo Piccinini.

The necessary steps have been taken and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has granted the nulla osta. The start of the diocesan enquiry into the life, virtues and reputation for holiness is imminent.


Enzo Piccinini‘s cause for beatification is the beginning of an exciting and beautiful journey, but also a long and demanding one. several stages must be covered, requiring work and resources

I did everything to be happy

Who was Enzo? Why did he leave his mark on so many people’s lives? Why do videos of him on youtube, 20 years later, still have tens of thousands of shares and are translated into many languages?

“I Did Everything to Be Happy” (BUR Rizzoli) is a journey between Europe and the USA in search of testimonies about Enzo and answers to these questions.

But it is also an opportunity to address broader and highly topical questions in an era marked by the pandemic. What does it mean to be a doctor? How to stand in front of the sick with a human stance that does not limit itself to treating the disease, but has the person and his or her affections at heart? How to come to terms with pain and death, in hospital and outside?

Last News


We have gathered this evening because today binds us, strengthens our memory, brings us together, out of gratitude for having somehow known, intercepted, Enzo in our lives

Enzo was a conquered man and became a conqueror. Whoever is assimilated, in one way or another, to the story of Christ, always becomes, albeit in different forms, a creator of people

It is boundless gratitude to Christ who gave him to us, who begat him to put before all of us what life can be when one, like him, realises what we read on his tomb: «In the simplicity of my heart I have gladly offered you everything».


Enzo Piccinini Foundation ETS

Legal  headquarters
Via Fermo Corni, 114
41126 Modena

Operative headquarters
Via Enzo Piccinini, 20
(corner F.lli Rosselli)
41125 Modena

e-mail secretariat: info@fondazionepiccinini.org
e-mail life and work area: archivio@fondazionepiccinini.org